
Oriana Singers is grateful for the generosity of its many sponsors and donors. When you choose to support the Oriana Singers you are partnering with us and helping to secure the future of quality choral music in Northumberland! 

No matter your personal level of giving, be assured your tax-deductible donation means the world to us!  

You keep us singing.

We accept donations by cheque or online through CanadaHelps.

Oriana Singers is a non-profit organization supported through membership, volunteers, concert ticket sales, fundraising events, individual donations, program advertising and corporate support.  

Charitable organization registration # 11906 9920 

To make a donation to the choir, please mail your cheque to: 

Oriana Singers, PO Box 1207, Cobourg, On K9A 5A4

or donate online at

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